Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For Friday, September 12

Read Chapters 5-8 of Huckleberry Finn.  Plot development.  Huck's character development.  Jim's character development.  Pap's characterization. Imagery.  Focus your reading on these elements of the story.

Important Notice:  Sometime in the next week, you must come and read aloud (in private with me) the second to last paragraph of Chapter 4.  Practice before you come.  I will grade for fluency and vocal variation.  It is essential when you read for the AP exam to hear the language of your selection in your head in a way that makes the reading more accessible for interpretation.  This is a key skill we will work on this year.

A German experiment reveals that reciting poetry is good for your heart. It was a small test group--seven people walked around a room reciting traditional poetry and breathing in time to the poem's beat. The result: their heat rate dropped and their heart's ability to rest and recuperate from stress increased. 
The researcher, Dietrich von Bonin said, "Recitation links body and soul--mind, breath, and body--in a unique way."
The generation before mine was taught to recite poetry, mine was just asked to read it--today, is it still part of the curriculum? Maybe we can bring back the practice--we could use a poetry App on our iPhone and recite as we walk to the store or while commuting. It would be more entertaining than hearing someone braying, "I'm on the train! I'll be home in twenty minutes!" If you take a hat, you could even make some money...

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