Tuesday, April 7, 2015

For Thursday, April 9

Select a paper topic for your essay over The Road.  Remember: your topic must be narrow enough to cover in approximately 1000 words.  PRIMARY GOALS:  ANALYZE MCCARTHY'S PURPOSE FOR THE NOVEL; FORM YOUR PERSONAL OPINION REGARDING HIS PURPOSE/WORLDVIEW AND STATE IT.

Write a working thesis (we can change as necessary) and find (highlighted or typed) a minimum of six insightful and apropos quotes from the novel that you will use to prove your thesis.

Know the definition of apropos.

EXAMPLE:  If you choose to analyze McCarthy's use of light imagery, you will justify your interpretations regarding light imagery with multiple concrete examples from the novel. In your conclusion, you will agree or disagree with the way McCarthy sees light in his post-apocalyptic world.  You might ask yourself:  What does light mean to me?  How has light been used or seen (in a literary sense) throughout history?  How does God (our God) define light?  In a landscape without moral absolutes, does light/hope have any purpose?

Comparing The Road to another piece of literature, film, painting, song, tv series could be excellent. Make sure to check with me if you are unsure about the validity of a companion piece.

Off the top of my head:

Father-Son Relationships
Night by Elie Wiesel
A Beautiful Life 1997 film
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

Post-Apocalyptic Novels/Films
The Book of Eli
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (think about the importance of story/history/memory)
Brave New World by Alex Huxley (think:  Does society make a difference in moral absolutes? or even Which world is more cannibalistic?)

If you want to run some ideas past me, feel free to email or text.


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